I'm having a hard time thinking of a way code can ever be fully decoupled from data. When we decide it's better to have a name field rather than firstName and lastName does that mean we simplify NameCalculation.fullName to just return data.name? This seems to suggest we still have coupled code to data (the data structure being an object), it's just now a coupled function, but you have decoupled it enough to use NameCalculation in different contexts. Single responsibility classes are already recommended for reuse like this in OO.
Also when it comes to data validation, OO performs all of this validation too and in a much more compact and code-oriented, extensible way. Why would I write a separate schema when the object itself knows what it will accept, what is optional, and what range the values should be in? I'd imagine the schema and code could become incoherent.
Just imagine you're sending the data across a network, instead of between local functions. If you have a web service that spits out JSON, then you have data that is decoupled from code. That's not to say that the JSON data isn't then read and manipulated by code; just that no specific code is associated with the data.
As for why you'd want to do this, well, one reason is that it makes it easier to bounce data between different services. You don't need to perform any sort of conversion if you're operating directly on the data you're receiving and sending.
The second argument for this style is perhaps more ideological. In the Clojure community in particular, complexity is seen as arising from coupled components. The more things you can decouple, the less complex your codebase. The less complex your codebase, the more reliable and extensible it is.
Edit: another potential advantage is that its easier to use generic functions to interrogate and manipulate data that isn't encapsulated in specific types or objects.
> Just imagine you're sending the data across a network, instead of between local functions. If you have a web service that spits out JSON, then you have data that is decoupled from code. That's not to say that the JSON data isn't then read and manipulated by code; just that no specific code is associated with the data.
That's not really true in classical OO or DOP. There is always code that depends on specifics of some data. In classical OO it's extremely common to de-marshal data straight off the wire and into a class (AKA hydration). From then on the thing that interacts with the data structure directly is the object instance.
Because the problem in OO is if you have any kind of cross-cutting concern, then it collapses totally.
For example, I have a Wizard object. My wizard has a wand, we store the wand object on our Wizard object. Simple. But then my wizard casts a spell, and does damage to a goblin. Do we put the cast method on the wand, the wizard? There is no real reason to pick one over the other (this problem comes up a lot with game development, which is why this pattern is more common there...Spring is another example, aspect-oriented programming/dependency injection works from similar principles). It is far easier to separate that out totally and have a pure, reusable cast function that takes the wizard, goblin, and weapon.
Another aspect of this problem (which Rust, as an example, makes clear) is that you introduce runtime bugs or hurt performance when you start carrying around a lot of references everywhere. Once you start to think about what actually needs a reference to another object (in Rust, this is limited by the borrow checker) then you realise why OOP doesn't work in some cases.
OO doesn't perform validation, your code performs validation on the data. You can write a separate schema, you can write one schema, but the problem is that OOP tries to fit a round peg in a square hole with some applications.
Very generally, it is harder to make mistakes if you use something like data-oriented. If you have a lot of code with calculations or interactions, it is very pure, easy to test, and fits well with how people think about those elements (one area I have found is financial applications, I actually worked this out and then found out data-oriented program existed when building financial-related stuff). In these cases, introducing OOP means state changing in unpredictable ways (and then someone comes into the project, doesn't understand the abstraction, calls a method that is named erroneously and it all goes wrong).
>But then my wizard casts a spell, and does damage to a goblin. Do we put the cast method on the wand, the wizard? There is no real reason to pick one over the other
You did pick: "My wizard casts a spell". The cast method goes on the wizard.
Another way to phrase it is to note that the question is answered by the question of what happens when the wand is dropped and the goblin picks up the wand. Can it cast the spell? Then it belongs to the wand. If not then it belongs to the wizard.
In this case it just mean you have to match your game semantics to the decision of where to put the ability. That doesn't mean it would be a good idea to perform fighting by simple method calls on the objects though. It is very likely one would want to extract the abilities granted by skills and object to a separate entity that change seldom enough.
That doesn't mean I see what problems a schema solves here. That mostly seems like unecessary indirection..
Also note I don't try to refute the problem in general, just this specific example. Maths have lots of examples that doesn't have the semantic baggage that makes the question solvable.
You haven't convinced me with that at all, honestly.
You can also have the spell on the wand and require n mana to be put into it for activation (argument), now warrior type goblins won't be able to use it either.
There is no "correct way" with OOP: There are as many ways as you've got the energy to think about and all of them are leaky somewhere. You can still write maintainable code with it, but making it sound clear and obvious where what should go is just wrong.
It heavily depends on a multitude of factors and can get nauseatingly complex at times
Right but now it’s also raining and a full moon and the goblin is a werewolf and wands also have AOE spells that hit multiple opponents, except when those opponents are blocking…
Sure, the code kinda sucks either way, but the data oriented approach works exponentially better as the object interactions become more complicated. A “cast” function called as part of the event loop can look up all the game state in the state DB as it needs to. wand.cast(…) is a lot more brittle, ESPECIALLY once one wants to start reusing some of the code in sword.swing(), etc.
…and thus code is no longer sending _a_ message to _an_ object but using argument types to pick which function/procedure to call. The “cast” function is no longer coupled with any single class, so in effect this problem with OOP has been fixed by not using OOP concepts to solve the problem.
Or, as I sometimes think of it, it can be an OOP design if multiple dispatch is actually a set of messages supported by an implicit, singleton, and usually hidden, “multiple dispatch“ object that handles the dispatch logic. You don’t have to write “dispatcher.cast(a, b, c)” but that is because the language provides the syntactic sugar (and often, an efficient implementation).
"Multiple dispatch or multimethods is a feature of some programming languages in which a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run-time (dynamic) type or, in the more general case, some other attribute of more than one of its arguments.[1] This is a generalization of single-dispatch polymorphism [...]"
>Right but now it’s also raining and a full moon and the goblin is a werewolf and wands also have AOE spells that hit multiple opponents, except when those opponents are blocking…
>the data oriented approach works exponentially better as the object interactions become more complicated
Maybe it's just me, but I still don't see the difference. To use your example, you'd have a function like:
cast(caster, targets, weather, time, location)
or you can create an object and call it something like Spell and do something like:
class Spell
def initialize(caster, targets, weather, time, location)
def valid_target?
def valid_caster?
Perhaps it's just my mental conception of things. My mental model of a class is a data structure plus a bunch of functions that implicitly take the data structure as a parameter. I realize that there can be more to it than that but it works for the purposes of this discussion.
Ultimately it's a code organization question either way. The original question is what class does it go in? Changing it to data structure + functions just changes the question to what module/file does the cast function go in? Maybe that's an easier question to answer but I guess I just don't see it.
> Right but now it’s also raining and a full moon and the goblin is a werewolf and wands also have AOE spells that hit multiple opponents, except when those opponents are blocking
What exactly does this change? In a well-written program you should be able to write code that adapts to context so that you don't have to pass absolutely everything.
> Sure, the code kinda sucks either way, but the data oriented approach works exponentially better as the object interactions become more complicated
Because the function of the spell is to modify the state of the wizard, the wand, and the goblin...that isn't obvious or correct. It can go on the wizard, it can go on the wand but the problem is that the solution is very brittle (because you will likely end up with inheritance as you add other objects). Again, the key point is that in OOP these cross-cutting concerns will likely end up with a design that is complex/arbitrary/unperformant.
to use Rich Hickey’s definitions, data is an observation or measurement at a point in time. [:fullname “John Doe” t1] [:first “John” t1] no code needed to see the denormalization. Which came from the symbolic model that was chosen. the code only exists to translate between incompatible data models of a program’s inputs and outputs.
> Why would I write a separate schema when the object itself knows what it will accept, what is optional, and what range the values should be in?
Because data is just data and the meaning to it is given at the time of application. If you want to couple validation to the data itself - how do you decide which N of the meanings to validate against?
No, data must have meaning, else it is meaningless.
If you want to process the data you must use some language to access parts of the data. Data must have a symbolic representation, not juts be 1s and zeros. Or it can be a bit-stream, but even then you need a language that knows the different between 1 and 0.
extracts the field 'name' from the data. To manipulate the data, the program must know that there is such a field as 'name' it can ask for.
OO schemas are very strict and in many situations difficult to extend. For example, let's say you have a class named Name that contains firstName and lastName. Let's say that you have a function that consumes lists of Names. Let's say you have yet another class called OtherName that contains firstName and lastName. That class will not be compatible with the function. Usual OOP suggests you solve this via inheritance, but if you don't own Name or OtherName that won't help you. OOP's tools for polymorphism are very limited, especially if you don't own all the code you're trying to use (third party libraries). If the "schema" enforced by the type system didn't include the name of the object that opens up a lot of possibilities.
I mean, it's the whole point. You want to have something that will give you compile errors whenever you change anything to make sure that you go all over the cases where the change has an impact
The goal of OOP or any programming system is to help you enforce invariants to improve correctness of a program. “has String members ‘firstName’ and ‘lastName’” is a perfectly reasonable invariant that isn’t all that well served by traditional OOP. You can’t strictly enforce the invariant I just stated via OOP. You can only define tangentially related concepts via inheritance.
> You can’t strictly enforce the invariant I just stated via OOP.
but you can strictly enforce it in pretty much every relevant OOP language - Java, C#, C++, C, Rust, D, ... by defining a class / struct / record with these two members, which is the only thing that matters. No one programs in abstract design principles, only in actual programming languages.
Ok, show me in C++. You have these three structs, which you cannot alter the signature of (maybe from an external library, maybe you don't want to introduce a type hierarchy in someone else's code, etc).
Write a single function that returns firstName and lastName concatenated. Bonus: write it for any struct containing firstName and lastName. The only way I can think to do it is via templates, which aren't traditional OOP and have their own downsides. Concepts in C++20 look like they make this much easier, but, again, not expressed via traditional object orientation and still infects your code with templates.
This isn't theoretical. I often don't want and often cannot use inheritance-based polymorphism. If I'm using a language where that is the only option, I'm struck writing tons of redundant, error prone, pointless, and brittle glue code. The amount of glue explodes combinatorially. That glue code can contain errors that the type checker won't find.
The inverse of this problem is also interesting. Someone wrote a function to concatenate the strings in Name. I can't put AnotherName into it unless the original author had the forethought to make their function templated. I guess the future of C++ is that all code ever lives in headers.
satisfies your condition - here's one that'll also handle middle names: https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/YfTYs6MMn ; again I don't think anyone wants this when they say "enforcing invariants", this does exactly the opposite of what is actually wanted.
> I guess the future of C++ is that all code ever lives in headers.
or in modules, which makes it very similar than other languages with generics instantiation
Ahh you’re, right, I forgot about fully auto’d functions. I think want more structure than just auto everything, although the compilers should find mistakes with that. Concepts will be nice.
This is the unfortunate side effect of the Javafication of OOP. Smalltalk doesn't have that problem. Neither does TypeScript, but it has taken us this long to start undoing the Javafication process.
For validation, this approach would have you write a set of functions to validate the properties of the data.
Nothing forbids a function that applies validation to inputs before returning a data object? Extensibility can be done through functional means(e.g. higher order functions, function composition, lens) or oop(strategy pattern and equivalents, code object composition and inheritance,...).
Not sure what you mean by more compact and code-oriented?
Code is always coupled to an interface, implicitly or explicitly. In the case of oop, code is coupled to the class, which can represent something specific with very concrete semantics (e.g. employee, author) or something generic that is meant to be subclassed(e.g. person).
These examples spring to mind: 1) high performance computing (vector processing / SIMD), 2) deep neural nets, 3) graphics. Each of these computation models process a small number of large blocks of data whose efficient movement is just as important as their efficient number crunching. OOP doesn't serve those emphases as well as DOP does.
Thank you for all of the different viewpoints, it's starting to make sense now. I've used JSON schema before in one of my previous projects. I'll keep it in mind for next time.
Code is itself data, so a full decoupling is logically impossible.
Data is going to have an implicit schema regardless because that is just how data works. And once there is a schema, it may as well be expressed explicitly independently of the code because then you get the whole basket of standard schema operations for free (validate the data against a schema, provide a schema to an external consumer when moving data around, talking/operating more generally on schema to manipulate data, generating glue code or APIs programmatically).
Your description sounds like you are using your objects as schema references which is fine, but if there is a 1:1 correspondence with schema then you are already doing data oriented programming, and if there isn't then you can't have 3rd party libraries that support schema-based operations. And losing those schema-based operations hasn't gained anything because the data still has a schema, it just isn't well organised.
TLDR; Data oriented programming isn't essential. But if you plan on passing data around between systems schema should be mandatory, and if you pass data around within a system schema are recommended.
> Why would I write a separate schema when the object itself knows what it will accept, what is optional, and what range the values should be in?
In practice, I have seen a fair number of complex objects where that information is obscure. If there isn't an explicit schema there is a chance of bugs where the object doesn't understand the data it is ingesting and that it won't share its knowledge that there is a problem until it fails in some obscure way in runtime. It wastes a lot of time fixing those bugs because the easiest way to clean that up is to tease out an explicit schema & start thoroughly validating inputs.
> Code is itself data, so a full decoupling is logically impossible.
Nah, code exists in a different universe then "data" and it's decoupled by default. Runtime data is completely unaware of "code." that is unless you do something called "reflection" which is sort of a rarely used feature.
If you have a hard time thinking this way then you really need to try other paradigms in coding because OOP is not the only way and it is getting less and less popular.
For example C, is not OOP. Linus Torvalds hates OOP, so linux is in written in C. Go was created by Robert Pike who's also subtly against it, and it shows in the language. Additionally Rust pretty much gets rid of objects as well. React is also moving away from class based representation of components.
These are just modern languages that are moving away from OOP. In addition to this... behind the modern languages there's a whole universe and history of other styles of programming.
Not against OOP... But I'm saying it's not a good sign if OOP is the only perspective you're capable of seeing.
Polymorphism and encapsulation are not features exclusive to OOP.
Isomorphisms exist everywhere. You could say nothing is OOP because it compiles into assembly anyway where pretty much all those concepts don't even exist. You can even say all of assembly can decompile into OOP so everything is OOP.
Think about it. If linus torvolds hates OOP. What is it that he hates? You can say, Linus is an idiot and everything is OOP so he's wrong.
Or you can understand what is it about OOP that he hates and understand the delta between my examples and what is traditionally thought of as OOP.
None* of my examples contain a class. That should be a hint, as that syntax is pretty much used in most OOP languages.
*React still contains class based components except the creators now recommend moving away from class based syntax to functional components.
Also when it comes to data validation, OO performs all of this validation too and in a much more compact and code-oriented, extensible way. Why would I write a separate schema when the object itself knows what it will accept, what is optional, and what range the values should be in? I'd imagine the schema and code could become incoherent.