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Yep. They have already started talking about reversing marriage rights and contraception as well. It’s funny that an unelected body is now going to destroy the US and revert things that are clearly the majority opinion of the population.

Im glad I have dual citizenship because It does feel like the next 4 years is going to be a very sharp downturn (socially) in the US.

Probably kiss the Affordable Care Act goodbye and head back to the dark ages of losing your insurance and having a preexisting condition means that you get denied treatment.

People keep focusing on what this all means to minorities, but if you're just an old white male and sick they'll let you die, too.

Cue the old Niemoller poem.

If it's the majority opinion it should have no problem being passed in federal or state legislature

It would need to go through the house of reps, senate and president. The senate in particular is not representative of the majority.

Hmmm, if it wouldn't pass the Senate then I guess a lot of states' constituents don't want this. Sounds like it's better left to a state by state basis.

Congress should reflect the majority opinion of the population.

The maddening thing about this is these issues are all correctable by law, but most people (rightly, I think) don't believe the body with an 18% approval rating will successfully pass those laws.

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