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I literally have a friend-of-a-friend right now being denied an abortion for a fetus with severe Anencephaly. There’s a group thread trying to figure out where she can travel to in order to terminate.

These fucking monsters want her to carry this non viable fetus for 5 more months to deliver a guaranteed stillborn baby with 0 chance of survival. Can you even imagine the trauma that would inflict on the mother? The number of people who are going to ask about her pregnancy? The severe health impacts she’s going to face because pregnancies are extremely taxing on the body? The most ignorant among us are making laws based on their uniformed feelings and it’s going to cause serious harm to a lot of people.

She is in the the 1% of case that make sense.

The laws are based on a moral code that protect the most vulnerable.

As I said in another comment: that’s simply not your decision to make. You’re neither qualified nor entitled to their private life; the fact that the particulars revealed to you in this instance meet your standard does not mean anything.

And no, our laws are not based on that fundamental principle. The US legal system is built on the English system, which emphasizes autonomy in the forms of property, self-legislation, and all of those other things that actually appear in our foundational documents.

I’ll say it: the mother’s rights trump those of the fetus when they conflict.

If we accept the right of bodily autonomy then the fetus has no right to the mother’s blood and sustenance.

If the state denies pregnant women bodily autonomy then it must assume the responsibility to care for them. Stats that ban abortion should cover all costs of pregnancy, at minimum.

You know, small government stuff.

This law is putting her life at risk to grow a mass of cells that may kill her, so spare me your empty platitudes.

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