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Yes it does, it’s a terrible thing to do.

We close our eyes, we don’t see it’s there, we pretend it doesn’t matter, we call it clump of cells, we call advocates ’pro choice’.

Let’s face it, it’s the killing of a human, that have no voice, no choice in the matter.


If animals do it in nature, and humans do it with dangerous methods when denied access to safe methods, it's going to be with us until the end of time, regardless of law.

Let's face it, this is just another drug war. An opportunity for Republicans to deny Americans personal autonomy and liberty. A justification for state aggression against your neighbors and friends. Wake up.

Monkeys also engage in cannibalism, sometimes even of their own dead young, and lions regularly commit infanticide. Appeals to nature are not compelling in the slightest when it comes to morality.

My inference from nature supported a non-moral point, namely "[abortion is] going to be with us until the end of time, regardless of law."

As for my moral argument, I invite you to read about the history of abortion, the history of abolition, and/or the history of America's war on drugs. I expect you will find abolition the easiest example to grok, since it's no longer a political issue. Note the moral arguments for abolition still stand, and yet it's no longer law.

D'oh. abolition -> prohibition in the above

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