> everybody in the team thinks that bash is inferior to typescript.
Let's hope not for the sake of the team. TypeScript is great but it's not Bash. How much time and TypeScript code do you need to read, filter and write content from a text file? More than one line probably.
I have yet to see a language that matches Bash at what it does best. It's one of the biggest time-savers for me.
Lines of code are irrelevant compared to readability, and the latter is where bash loses hard. Time to write and maintain these scripts is far less with typescript.
The remainder of your arguments seems to be based on wrong assumptions about what our build scripts are doing. "Filtering text files" doesn't happen there.
OTOH, in typescript I can include a library for the deployment on various GCP cloud services in a single line in package.json -- how many lines is that in bash? (edit: the sarcasm might not be obvious. Nobody I have ever met knows about a GCP deployment library for bash, nor about an NPM-like platform for bash snippets. Installing command line tools via the platform's package manager doesn't work in practice for various reasons.)
>Lines of code are irrelevant compared to readability
They aren't irrelevant. LoC has influence on readability. Try reading a terse book versus a more condensed book if you don't agree. It's neither as easy as "make it as short as possible" nor "just write as elaborate as possible".
Knowing Bash is about more than just writing build scripts. I use it every day for one-off tasks and trying to use anything else instead would be a huge waste of time.
> GCP cloud services in a single line in package.json -- how many lines is that in bash?
My whole point was: use the right tool for the job. Sure nobody would do GCP stuff in Bash, just like it would be ludicrous to do certain tasks in TypeScript instead. The original statement was about Bash being a useful skill, and imho that's practically undeniable.
> Installing command line tools via the platform's package manager doesn't work in practice for various reasons
I wish installing dependencies via package.json and npm was as reliable, it would save me quite some time.
Let's hope not for the sake of the team. TypeScript is great but it's not Bash. How much time and TypeScript code do you need to read, filter and write content from a text file? More than one line probably.
I have yet to see a language that matches Bash at what it does best. It's one of the biggest time-savers for me.