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Here is a industrial incinerator which fits in a shipping container or flat bed that handles ~2000 kg/day or about 150 bodies.


1. This doesn't get hot enough to cremate bodies.

2. "This incinerator can burn 20000 kg/day of trash" != "This can burn 150 bodies"

3. Is this being used in Ukraine? Are there any of these devices in Russia?

> 1. This doesn't get hot enough to cremate bodies.

You initially questioned if cremating bodies in mobile crematoria was technically possible.

Then you were pointed out that not only is it technically possible, there are smaller mobile crematoria being sold to the public for civil applications which, even though were designed for a whole different problem, demonstrate this is quite feasable and not a challenge.

And your follow-up question is that you feel a mobile crematorium designed for mobile trash does not do a good job cremating a body?

It seems you're desperately trying to move the goalpost. You've switched from "this is an impossibility" to "this specific product wouldn't be as efficient as the Russian ones".

This doesn't have the technical capability to incinerate bodies because it would need to get more than 1000 degrees hotter than the quoted maximum temperature. That's a physics challenge.

The quoted maximum is 1600f. That's enough to melt most metals, let alone flesh. It is clear that you don't know what you are talking about and just trying to argue.

Everything I've found suggests that 1800F is minimally required for full cremation.

But even if full cremation is not the goal -- I have laid out a sketch for what the logistics of a large scale field cremation operation would have to look like. This is perhaps the most video recorded war ever, and certainly a candidate for most propagandized. Has any Ukrainian partisan produced anything remotely resembling this shape? Even if my estimates of operating temperatures and corpse throughput are off, they are off by fractions, not magnitudes.

Where is the evidence that anything remotely resembling this operation is occurring? Where are the freshly dug up fields that would be required to inter these half burnt remains? Where are the convoys of flatbeds carrying incinerators into the country? Where are the giant plumes of smoke? Stacked bodies?

Do you have literally a single thing? Or do you have a substantial reason (instead of convenient preference) to believe that the operation would have a different shape instead?

It is simply amazing to me that you feel you have any right to be smug, given the fact that you nakedly and unabashedly believe a conspiracy theory.

I have no position about cremation in Ukraine, I was just pointing out your off base assertions about cremation. many if not most crematoriums in the US run temperatures 1400-1600F[1]


>(...)it would need to get more than 1000 degrees (...)

No, not really. You were already repeatedly corrected on this personal assertion alone. Moreover, if you had any interest in expressing a realistic and informed opinion you'd already knew that Nazi furnaces only used fuel to jumpstart the incineration process and from thereon they operated at a continuously fed incinerator self-sustained by human body fat while operating at >1000C.

It's already clear that you are deeply committed to pushing disinformation and denialist propaganda to whitewash Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

> 1. This doesn't get hot enough to cremate bodies.

The goal is not cremation, the goal is disposal. It only needs to get hot enough to make the bodies go away, not to cremate them.

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