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The 'experts' you cite with names (one of which is a known fraudster) and without sources are wrong then? An off the cuff twitter comment is not an analysis, just false conjecture like you are participating in now.

How is what Brave did any different than what firefox currently DOES?

Please address how Coinbase is wrong.

Again, Firefox does not inject affiliate codes into URLs to get paid for referral traffic. I'm beginning to begin you have confirmation bias as a Brave apologist.

>Please address how Coinbase is wrong.

I can't address it if you refuse to provide a source to it (because it doesn't exist I suspect). You keep giving names with no sources even when you reply to a comment asking for such an analysis source.

I'll state again... what Firefox is DOING is the same exact thing as Brave did. Now sure how else I can state that. It is right in the Firefox Suggest FAQs.

Link to Coinbase opinion?

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