> a giant mud-ball of for-loops, while-loops, variable assignments, and other wonderful side effects.
Woah woah. This is literally the kind of complexity grug wants to avoid. Simple doesn't mean using the fewest language features or keywords, it means simple to read, follow along, reason about, and debug. Abstractions can aid in that (like using a third party library!), until they are imported/implemented aspirationally and thus often unnecessarily, and sometimes resulting in abstractions for abstractions, selective application of the abstractions vs fresh implementation, etc (...and thus AWS)
At no point does grug argue that you should stick to what you know, he just says you should trap your complexity in crystals ie literally suggesting to use the Good Abstractions, When They Make Sense.
Woah woah. This is literally the kind of complexity grug wants to avoid. Simple doesn't mean using the fewest language features or keywords, it means simple to read, follow along, reason about, and debug. Abstractions can aid in that (like using a third party library!), until they are imported/implemented aspirationally and thus often unnecessarily, and sometimes resulting in abstractions for abstractions, selective application of the abstractions vs fresh implementation, etc (...and thus AWS)
At no point does grug argue that you should stick to what you know, he just says you should trap your complexity in crystals ie literally suggesting to use the Good Abstractions, When They Make Sense.