If the opinion you share is unpopular, it's because it's correct, and the truth is the enemy of the oligarchs that are scamming citizens in the US and the West in general. US is now a scam that exports inflation and crap 2nd rate weaponry. Scam economy, scam military industrial complex, scam military, scam president, scam everything.
If you have a feeling the US is in decline, it's because it is. The situation is much worse than most Americans realize. There is no hope for either Democrats or Republicans to fix anything here. I recommend to all my friends that they emigrate if they can.
And who is ascendant? China, who, oops, was overcounting their population by 100 million and now realize they have reached/passed the peak working population? Europe, who is completely dependant on the USA to maintain a unipolar world that they then take advantage of? Are you an 80s kid like me, and Japan and Russia are going to eat our lunch any day now? Maybe Dubai with their wanna be Vegas financial center in the desert is where you think is safe in a 'the world is falling apart, let's move to a self sustaining country' scenario? Is the whole world falling apart, in which case it's probably best to be in a country that is energy independent (USA), able to be food independant (USA), has the manufacturing base that if needed can onshore/bootstrap manufacturing (USA) and able to retool to be technologically independent (USA).
Wealth is something that is given by God, not something that is taken from another person or state. Many nations will prosper but the colonies will never prosper. The people that are actually eating our lunch are our oligarchs right here in USA. When you have a bunch of uneducated brainwashed people with zero morals or integrity, you’re not going to have a good outcome.
Did I say anything about NATO? How many bilateral deals does the USA have with Europe, where only the USA keeps their side? Every industry I have been in that is supposed to have 'open' trade has had artificial barriers erected on the European side, barriers not allowed by treaty. And when we tried to get the relevant USA agency to require Europe to follow the treaty we were seldom supported. German companies can bribe to get contracts in foreign countries, USA companies (rightly) can not. That puts us at a huge disadvantage. Dude, stop with Trump, and try to understand how Trump came to exist, and why 'lies' have so much staying power. Or just feel smug. Start holding Europe accountable. Who creates and keeps structures beneficial to Europe operating around the world? Who keeps safe open shipping lanes? International dispute resolution that allows international diplomacy to have enough faith in rules to function? A stable enough reserve currency to make long term deals feasible? There is so much 'scaffolding' that is there thanks to the USA the we get zero credit for. But keep demeaning our contribution. Keep making it about Trump instead of maybe addressing American's frustrations (resentments) with Europe and the worlds relationship with us that allowed Trump to happen, that will make the world better. Instead of telling me my frustration doesn't exist (Trump lies) maybe try to understand WHY those lies have staying power, why Trump happened in the first place.
Stop bribing and encourage corruption, start paying (in diplomatic works, in laying 'Western' ideal foundations, and in just sticking to your word, whether that be military commitments or open trade deals) your fair share to the world order and be a partner. Try to understand WHY the average American is frustrated enough that we bought those lies. Or yeah, go after the symptom, not the disease, and enjoy the next iteration of a 'Trump' figure before the decade is out.
Um, no. My family are all immigrants from Europe. Most Americans are raised to despise Europe, and the situation's that resulted in our families having to flee to another continent with nothing (this manifests as being anti-big government, because we have family memory of big government banning our existence/trying to wipe us out). I don't think Europeans understand the average american's psyche or the damage it does when your country tries to eliminate your existence (Irish Catholic, Russian Jewish, small sect German, non-Catholic French descent here).
America is an especially non-homogenous country. And I wouldn't exactly call it damage when they were 100% right about big government trying to destroy them while citing the benefit of the masses more or less. A non-nuanced view about why it is a problem but that is always the case.
Any sovereign nation would be better. Mexico, China, India, Hungary, Croatia, Singapore, Switzerland… USA is a zombie nation state that is more like a colony than a functional nation state.
There's two main "foreign" forces at work in the USA that have more power than the average Joe/Jane, but I'll let you do the math on which forces those are.
If you have a feeling the US is in decline, it's because it is. The situation is much worse than most Americans realize. There is no hope for either Democrats or Republicans to fix anything here. I recommend to all my friends that they emigrate if they can.