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Show HN: Vimified – Master Vim by Developing Muscle Memory (vimified.com)
12 points by Silica6149 on June 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

1. Muscle memory has nothing to do with "mastering" Vim.

2. The chapters only cover basic features so the "mastering" claim is extremely overblown.

3. The meanings of j and k are inverted right from the sample exercise. This doesn't inspire much confidence.

If you _really_ want to learn Vim, forget all about that $25 nonsense and do it properly with :help user-manual.

Related: The Primeagen (Netflix Engg. + Streamer) has a nice resurce [0] for getting started with vim with detailed instruction.

[0]: https://theprimeagen.github.io/vim-fundamentals/

I love The Primeagen! His humor on his yt channel appeals to me :3

I know this is also an option in vim itself.

However, If I can just move the cursor around in the exercise on the homepage, even though it specifies that you'd have to 'j', and 'k', what is the point?

The value of vim, especially for navigation, is not requiring the mouse for navigating around a document.

Thanks for checking it out! That is definitely a valid point, it would lead learners to develop their skills faster. Another example would be only allowing hjkl movement and disabling arrow keys.

Disabling mouse selection in the editor might be too restrictive, because I want learners to find what works for them. As it is, I can only expect the learner to practice with good faith along with the lessons.

However I could also add an option to turn on a more restrictive practicing environment (only limit to certain commands, no mouse usage, etc.)

Let me know any other improvements I can make!

Hey man any coupons for developers from India?

Hmm I actually had not considered this before, thank you for bringing this up. I'll be looking into how to implement purchasing power parity. Let me know if you wanted any more features

Send me an email at infinitecodemonkey@gmail.com and I'll send you a coupon!

Super slick.

Exercise on the homepage is v well presented.

Thanks! Let me know if there's anything I can improve or features you'd like to see

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