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This was a problem of laziness more than anything else. To the beginner developers out there: Learn to write good code and to pay attention to the details. Don't become just another co-founder trying to do the bare minimum just to make a buck. Take pride in your work and use best practices. Be careful to avoid the careless mistakes made by the author...

  1. Did a major last minute code change
  2. Did not run jslint
  3. Did not use strict mode
  4. Did not run load tests
  5. Did not use an editor that catches scoping problems

Really smart, careful people also make mistakes. This is one of the things that can easily happen to a bright but inexperienced developer. While the numbered list is helpful, I don't think calling the programmer in question lazy, careless, or "just out to make a buck," is ok or fair.

Sure, blame the victim, not the idea that default variable scope is global.

There are libraries in other languages providing node-like capabilities. He could use those and not have the global scope problem. Not saying that the idea makes any sense either...

Every language and platform has idiosyncrasies that you ignore at your peril. You choose to use JavaScript, you live with its warts.

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