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Thrussh – Portable SSH client and server library (pijul.org)
37 points by diggan on June 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Are you sure you posted the right link?

This is a version control system.

I mainly was going to comment on how unfortunate the name is, in English this word (minus 1 "s") is a genital disease.


But isn't linked from elsewhere on the site, had to find it using google. It also appears stalled

This is the right link, thanks! Not sure what went wrong, and now it's too late to change or even delete it. Hopefully mods/dang can correct it!

thrush isn't really strictly a genital disease, it's a fungal overgrowth that can occur all over the body, it's a common after-effect of antibiotic use or immune system compromise.

that said, I agree it's a rather unfortunate name.

To be fair it's also the name of a small musical bird, but yeah I'm sure many if not lost English speakers will think of a yeast infection first.

I half remember a JS library posted a few years ago called ‘STD’. I think the owner swiftly changed the name after a few giggles.

I expect it's meant to pronounced like "through SSH" and maybe should be renamed with a hyphen to "thru-ssh".

I'm the original author, and stupidly chose a name I knew was ambiguous (bird/yeast infection). It is a rather dumb joke on the fact that Rust is a fungus as well.

If someone here cares to suggest another name, I'm interested.

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