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"The government" is tiered. A move towards local (e.g. county or city level) control of things like broadband has so far on average been very successful. Maybe even stuff like social networks should be locally run. I'd love to see some city or county level fediverse instances pop up to tie in with locally run broadband. Maybe some craigslist-like personals ad boards and other services would be good, too.

In that case, if it sucks, you can stand a chance at politically influencing the state of things, or move somewhere where it doesn't suck. Over-consolidation is bad. Things that don't strictly require nation-sized central authorities to do should not be controlled by nation-sized central authorities.

Throwing up our hands and accepting the status quo because government is corrupt is not something anyone should be advocating for. The government is still the battleground whether it's corrupt or not. Corrupt officials need to be named and shamed. People who claim not to see a problem or who think it's not worth addressing need to be moved out of the way or convinced otherwise.

> "The government" is tiered. A move towards local (e.g. county or city level) control of things like broadband has so far on average been very successful. Maybe even stuff like social networks should be locally run. I'd love to see some city or county level fediverse instances pop up to tie in with locally run broadband. Maybe some craigslist-like personals ad boards and other services would be good, too.

This is the concept of Subsidiarity [9537] - "the principle that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which cannot be performed at a more local level". In practice this would mean things like the last mile broadband should be handled by the town or neighborhood, the links to the main city in the area by the county, the links to the biggest cities by the state, and the international links by the federal government (roughly).

Same can be applied to many things, and it does add inefficiency to the world, but not much, and prevents giant centralization and the issues that come with it. It also becomes much easier to fix things as the issue is most likely at a lower level. If everyone in the town wants faster Internet, they can just do it without having to negotiate with a massive company or government.

[9537]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsidiarity

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