> the implicit operator in a sequence of two expression without parentheses could be string concatenation rather than function application
You can design a language which uses `e1 e2` to represent any binary operation you like, but I'd argue that function application is more common than string concatenation, so it's more deserving of that syntax. Plus, it plays nicely with currying.
That's an interesting idea, but how does it work for functions of multiple arguments?
If functions are curried, then I suppose the syntax for `f x y` would be `y.(x.f)`, which maybe you could write as `y.x.f` if the associativity worked as such. But that means you have to provide your arguments in reverse order?
If functions are not curried, do you write `(x, y).f`?
You can design a language which uses `e1 e2` to represent any binary operation you like, but I'd argue that function application is more common than string concatenation, so it's more deserving of that syntax. Plus, it plays nicely with currying.