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Is there a limit to how much male and females can practically diverge in mammals?

I'm not at all schooled in genetics, so genuinely curious. But I could imagine that you can't have 2 genders of the same species that are completely different. Perhaps the neck length is such an attribute?

> I could imagine that you can't have 2 genders of the same species that are completely different.

This is called sexual dimorfism and is not a rare event. Really extreme examples appear in some deep sea fishes in the order Lophiiformes

I mammals is not so extreme, but it occurs also. Both genders having a different size is common and is what we would find in giraffes if the neck were developped just for fighting.

In some of those fishes the dimorphism is so extreme that the male is basically parasitic to the female. E.g. Ceratiidae

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