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I think one of the major reasons a lot of tech startups are failing is because so many of them don't even begin to focus on monetization and are still stuck on being acquired with a big exit. Even with the whole Lean Startup movement, I think so many startups are still far from thinking the way they need to to make a profit in a reasonable amount of time.

MVPs and customer interviews and everything else are great, but at the end of the day, what's most important is that you target a market large enough to sell to enough customers to make for a sustainable business model. Even a perfect product can fail if a market is too small or worse, completely non-existent.

I think it's time to take such an advise seriously. Today's investments go to either successful late stage startups or seed ones[1]. And this trend is likely to continue for a while.

Also, there was a good discussion about profit[2] a week ago. I recommend to take a look.

[1] http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/30/us-venture-bround-...

[2] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3147487

another part, is that selling is just plain hard(especially B2B)...and many of the startups don't have the market of customers who'll actually pay to scale their numbers.


I also think that building something cool in the hopes that you will get bought out by a large company is the hip thing to do.

Selling and marketing is boring to many of the people that want to start a company.

That is a very good point. Monetization is key. Unless you have very deep pockets as a startup, if you don't focus on monetization in the early stages, you're more than likely going to fail due simply to the high cost of launching and maintaining startups. Building a startup simply because it's a cool idea or has future potential is almost a sure way to keep it from succeeding. It seems like this simple fact often gets overlooked when people begin startups. Money is king.

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