I have requested some specific questions via email and got nothing back.
Below is the email I sent to one of the authors 2021-06-07:
I tried to email this question to dora-data@google.com
and got a bounce back, so I figured I'd try this address.
tl;dr: I'm currently re-reading Accelerate in our book club
at work. Is there a copy of the survey available somewhere?
I'm curious about the questions asked. The book (and report)
say things like, "[Elite performers have] 208 times more
frequent code deployments" (state of devops 2019 pg 21)
and "[High performers have] 46 times more frequent code
deployments" (Accelerate pg 16).
The book also says, "We asked survey respondents how often
their organization deploys code [...] offering the following
options" with a list of 6 options like "between once per hour
and once per day".
How do you get from multiple-choice to assertions of
deploying 46 or 208 times more frequently? Is there
a copy of the survey available to get an idea
of the questions you asked?