That depends. If you have multiple large projects open at the same time, it'll eat a lot of RAM, even if it won't be too CPU intensive.
I run it on a ThinkPad that has 32 GB of RAM, when I have about 6-7 instances of the IDE open and all of these services running locally (generally Java projects, the largest of which is around 4000+ source files), then it gets close to the resource limits.
My ThinkPad with 32GB of ram with 5+ instances of Rider, and DataGrip, VSCode, all open, switching between instances is quick. (checks number of source files for top 3 projects I work on daily) with 4684 files, 10230 files, 7211 files. (no npm junk)
Switching between Visual Studio is 15-20 seconds of wait time while it decides if any files have changed.
I ran JetBrains software on one of those 1.5ghz MacBook 12” and it was totally fine.
I don’t think it needs “powerful” hardware.
Not like visual studio. Now that’s a pain!