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Ryan Dahl talks a bit about it in this talk at Remix Conf 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_nxvVTNY9s&t=10781s

He describes it as a post-Unix web framework (i.e. built on serverless primitives like cloudflare workers/deno deploy) with the goal of <10s deployment (which he says requires JIT compilation on first-request)

He really is the JS server-side sect leader. Plain wrong about so many things you lost count while he talks. Glad that the JS community, not that I am fan, left this dude behind.

What makes you believe the community left him behind? And he's only wrong from your perspective, especially as you say you aren't working in this domain.

Well, NodeJS is the default for service-side JS. Node > Deno.

React is the main driver for JS not some server-side BS.

The classic scripting arg. JS is a poor choice for scripting and hence, not used for it that much anymore.

> Well, NodeJS is the default for service-side JS. Node > Deno.

Are you aware that Deno is very new? I wouldn't say that Ryan Dahl got left behind because everyone hasn't switched to Node yet. There is a large amount of interest in Deno, exemplified by how frequently Deno projects make it to the front page of HN.

> React is the main driver for JS not some server-side BS.

Haha. Just because you hate JS doesn't change reality.

> The classic scripting arg. JS is a poor choice for scripting and hence, not used for it that much anymore.

This statement doesn't make sense. It never was very popular as a Bash replacement, if that's what you're meaning. And otherwise, it is the only option for browser interactivity. So it doesn't make sense what you're saying.

I am aware about what Deno is. But it is yet simply not the major leap forward that will get rid of NodeJS with that large ecosystem.

React was the first framework that requires the coder to really understand and utilize the modern features of JS.

Scripting something simple or spinning up a simple endpoint have always been arguments for NodeJS. R always talks about this. Terrible ground for decision making.

So my reading of that is that Fresh as it stands now is more of a demo and challenge to the Remix community to step up.

Not really, Fresh already powers several websites https://deno.land/, so it definitely has production use.

Ryan Dahl described it that way. He said it’s not something they’re really promoting or planning to utilize long term.

Is there a chance he pitched it this way to manage expectations / because he was pitching this at Remix Conf and didn’t want to upset the hosts?

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