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Introduction to Linguistics for Natural Language Processing (cam.ac.uk)
89 points by cskau on Oct 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Aside - We need a replacement for scribd.

Just yesterday I was forced to take SCREENSHOTS of a 15 page doc because the save button was greyed out. Why? why even give uploaders the option? /rage


Use their form or add "?url=..." e.g. http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/tea...

Scribd is unlikely to be replaced here, as it's a YC startup http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1326047 It improved enormously a while back (a year or so ago?), but now it's gotten worse again. (e.g. for me it adds the UI twice, and it's terribly slow - it's utterly unusable. I immediately back out whenever a search brings me to it). It's a pity, because the problem it sets out to solve is still a real one (reading pdf's online).

That sounds terrible. If you have time, would you mind emailing me (quin@scribd.com)? I'd like to get that reproduced and fixed.

I have no trouble saving the file or viewing it without scribid using Chrome.

It's the uploader who decides to now make the document downloadable? Copyrights maybe...?

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