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Show HN: Getting help with your ideas (docs.google.com)
61 points by scheff on Oct 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Build It With Me (http://builditwith.me/) is similar to this, and I rather like it. I've found that asking someone about their idea is a great conversation starter (i.e. networking technique).

Even if you don't contact anyone, I think looking through lists like these can be a good way to practice evaluating ideas. While it lacks feedback (you never find out what, if any, of the ideas actually worked), it can get you in the habit of asking the right questions. Repeat after pg, "Who has this problem?"

This can be helpful but I think the problem with this approach (and the countless others before it) is that no one will find it after couple days. People can't help if they can't find it. If you solve that problem, you got it made.

This spreadsheet is a great idea!

I've added my idea, an idea that I've been thinking about since last november; wedding budget planning software. It's a great niche, the competition is fierce but utterly rubbish; there are results in the top ten which literally are html tables you're supposed to print out. I know this can be massively improved, and I have a fantastic innovative business model. I just need someone to help me with UI/UX. I don't want it to look like excel!

The spreadsheet only allowed one 'how I can return the favour' answer, so I put in 'returned services', but I also have a small budget to use, and if the idea takes off I will give a return on investment, so it's 'all of the above' really. But I thought it was safest to say that in return I can offer my help as a PHP/mySQL/JavaScript programmer or in any other technical capacity. I didn't want to mislead anyone by saying "I'll pay" when in reality I don't have a huge budget. FWIW, here's my CV: http://www.puremango.co.uk/2009/08/php-cv/ so you can get an idea of the kind of things I might be able to help you with.

I'd love to hear from you if you're passionate and have ideas about how best to present this app. It would be great to find a co-founder, but we'll see ;)

tweet me @user24 or email howard.yeend@gmail.com

http://Weekendhacker.net 7000 designers & developers. 160 projects. Launching web interface Tuesday.

Great idea. I made a contribution and also tweeted. I'm monitoring the spreadsheet to see if there are any problems I can help to solve.

The more people that get involved, the more value this kind of effort has, so fill out your form, ask for help, and give help to someone else!

Some great feedback, guys. Thankyou for contributing and sharing. I'm happy and surprised by how well it has been received, it suggests that there is a genuine need there that needs to be fulfilled.

I figure that many people on Hacker News are probably having similar issues that they are trying to solve independently, or have already solved. If we can share our solutions, we can get to where we're going much faster. The reason this will work is because we're all in the same mindset and want to see each other succeed.

I only went with the Google spreadsheet because I was short on time. So how's about we brainstorm it a little and see what we can come up with to make it really helpful? I might export what's already in there and put into more of a web app.

So let's address some of the issues together.

1. "It's going to fall into the background when it falls out of HN's attention."

I was hoping that if everyone shares the link on Twitter/Forums/wherever, then it would generate enough circulation to be self-sustaining.

Assuming that's not the case, how else can we encourage people to keep going back to the list and contributing/helping?

Some ideas: A. Ask PG if we can actually integrate something with HN so that people DO get rewarded karma for both sharing the link and solving people's problems.

B. Turn it into a knowledge portal where you can find out how other people solved the problem you're trying to deal with, be it technical, business, personal, etc.

C. Make it a pre-payment system whereby you MUST share the link and/or help someone with a problem before you can post your own problem up.

2. Should the multiple choice answers be "select one or more options"?

3. Should there be a "Bump this one up" for people who are experiencing the same problem so that the "greatest pain" bubbles to the top where it's obvious that it needs the most solving.

4. Should there be a "I'd be willing to pay for a solution" for when you find a problem that you too are having, but the original poster said "I can pay you in Pizza/Karma"?

5. Should there be a better interface for browsing/searching through other people's problems? What would it look like?

6. Is there a way of making it easier to read for the people dropping in from Twitter, forums, etc?

7. Do we want a system whereby you can post up your skills so that you can offer to exchange services/skills?

Over to you.

By the way - I'm completely open to advice and suggestions with this. If you think it needs extra fields, better design, better explanation, etc. just let me know. This tool is for you.

May I suggest a field for HN username?


Okay, there are some relevant questions amongst that comment, so I will address those.

The form is different because it is designed to be short and to the point - "This is what I'm doing, this is what I need help with." It is a single place where people can go to receive/offer help.

I'm not trying to steal your ideas, nor is anyone else. Everybody here already has too many ideas and not enough ability to execute on them. Which is why the form has been invented - "If you help me out, I can help you out."

If the form is not to you liking, then please don't use it.

Was there no better way to express this?

1. It's simple, and there is no barrier to entry.

2. As you so astutely pointed out: it's a form. Very little need for styling.

3. The idea is clearly not to lay down your master plan, but to see if anyone else is interested in solving a specific problem.

Would I use it? Probably not. Can I see it being used? Sure.

If this spreadsheet actually works, it will be a great tool. I will absolutely use it.

The proposals to give Karma - how would people give people karma?

I think he means 'real' karma i.e. warm fuzzy feelings, rather than HN points.

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