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This is fucking stupid stupid stupid. I have the same complaint for it as I have for Processing. The code should document itself and should not be cryptic.

Right from the tutorial:

    // connect sine oscillator to D/A convertor (sound card)
    SinOsc s => dac;
    // allow 2 seconds to pass
    2::second => now;

Why not something like:

   SineOscillator connectTo: digitalToAnalogConverter.
   2 seconds wait.
Why do programmers continue to create cryptic-looking languages? Saving a few characters doesn't buy you anything except confusion.

Like look at the functions: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/language/func.html

Why should a sound/audio engineer be concerned with the return type of a function? Have one simple rule: every function returns something. Static typing makes sense for optimization but I would expect at least some minimal level of inference.

Yet another language designed for creative work that's hindered by the illogical mind of a programmer.

I agree. Every program seemed to have a few "while (true)" lines, often with comments above them like "// infinite time loop" :(

And another example for your earlier point:

// print out the shred id <<< me.id(); >>>;

If you know you're going to have infinite time loops, you might as well make a new control structure and call it `loopForever` or whatever.

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