News organizations are low quality by default. Their bussiness model is creating multiple articles per day and make it sound interesting, sometimes more interesting than what really happened. This so they can maximize viewer retention and therefore maximize ad-revenue. It's not really a recipe where you'll find the most accurate truth.
You can still read their websites for information, but when you google, those news website tend to fill up the first 3 pages of your results and often you find better information once you get past those websites. e.g. independant journalist blog sites or scientific papers, etc...
I also like to search back in time. e.g. when you want to learn about coronavirusses, it's better to search before january 2020. Else your results get filled with articles from journalist that never even heard of corona virusses before they wrote their article.
You can still read their websites for information, but when you google, those news website tend to fill up the first 3 pages of your results and often you find better information once you get past those websites. e.g. independant journalist blog sites or scientific papers, etc...
I also like to search back in time. e.g. when you want to learn about coronavirusses, it's better to search before january 2020. Else your results get filled with articles from journalist that never even heard of corona virusses before they wrote their article.