Yes. And it's interesting to note how successfully the Energizer brand has co-opted it such that when seening "Duracell Bunny", an HN poster wants to "fix it."
Well, to be fair, the author of the article is (likely) too young to have remembered the original Duracell Bunny (I'm 60, and barely remembered it, myself), and almost certainly meant the Energizer Bunny, since that is the conventional idiom, these days. nice. I could have worded my "correction" better (e.g. "Did the author mean the Energizer Bunny?"), or, better still, not have made the comment in the first place (it wasn't necessary, and I admit that. I probably won't do it again). I did correct myself, upvoted the HN user that corrected me, and, as a general rule, I do not take opportunities to launch unprovoked slaps at HN users that I don't know.
I've learned that it's generally a bad idea to initiate relationships with attacks. There's no upside.
Energizer Bunny.