You could use Greg [0] to learn how to grow plants. Disclosure: I'm one of the co-creators :). There's also a thriving community [1] that has become honestly surprisingly healthy/supportive. Think "Strava for growing plants".
We're still early, any feedback is appreciated. We raised our seed round [2] last year, check out that announcement for more info on our long-term mission.
App looked really cool until I read it has Tinder Engineering DNA. What a heap of trash app Tinder turned out to be over the past couple years, but maybe Greg will be good for a few early years like Tinder was until it turns into a gamified dark-pattern botany app.
Just imagine, we have to buy Greg Gold to access additional plants beyond grass or weeds, purchase water-boosts to unlock the next time we have to water plants (or they die). Maybe even have a hidden ELO system on our plant pics where the less healthy our plant condition looks the more we have to pay for Greg credits so it'll dish out the plant-care advice we rely on to prevent our entire garden from dying.
We're still early, any feedback is appreciated. We raised our seed round [2] last year, check out that announcement for more info on our long-term mission.