It took me two years to verify that I was gifted enough for the gifted program in middle school. In fact, they did so incredibly reluctantly because I achieved the highest math scores in my middle school on the state exams (two years in a row). It takes a lot of effort to be recognized as an afro-latino person that can be gifted even with higher scores.
They also only placed me in the math/science gifted sections and would only be placed in the english/social studies gifted sections after much arguing as well.
Guess what? I excelled there too. Now to get away from anecdotes:
> If they were deliberately not selected because of their race, that's wrong and should be fixed pronto. And what are the odds of that?
between 50 to 70% on an individual basis if some studies are to be believed.
They also only placed me in the math/science gifted sections and would only be placed in the english/social studies gifted sections after much arguing as well.
Guess what? I excelled there too. Now to get away from anecdotes:
> If they were deliberately not selected because of their race, that's wrong and should be fixed pronto. And what are the odds of that?
between 50 to 70% on an individual basis if some studies are to be believed.