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> Is not "making cool things quickly" the essence of enterprise programming?

I think it's not. I'm not sure there's anything quick about enterprise programming. If you're cynical, the essence of enterprise programming is selling absurdly expensive software to clueless senior leadership that will never use it. If you're optimistic, the essence of enterprise programming is being a good data steward while elegantly handling the needs of a lot of different stakeholders and interfacing with a lot of different systems (some automated, some implemented only in brains).

In game programming, if you can't figure out a good way to get the camera to work in one particular level, you just scrap or redesign the level. In enterprise programming, if you can't figure out a way to import a particular Excel format, you could seriously harm the usefulness of your project or even lose a contract. You have to "get it done", and there are a lot of "its" to get done.

When I say "make cool things quickly", I mean that there are tradeoffs between having high velocity in the beginning (standard templates, pre-defined assets, content management systems, implement the whole thing in Salesforce) vs. maintaining that velocity through the lifecycle of a potentially very long project. I claim that one of the things that makes popular frameworks popular is because they tend to heavily prioritize the former over the latter. That is great for going from 0 code to shipped quickly, but it's the wrong choice for 5+ year projects like you see in enterprise.

In fact I think one of the (many) things that poisons modern enterprise programming is the emphasis on tools that get you going quickly, rather than tools that stay loyally by your side through the whole project lifecycle. MongoDB is quick and easy to set up, because you can just throw whatever JSON objects you want in there, without spending all that time worrying about "schema" (I do think people spend too long worrying about schema, but the answer is not to abandon it -- that's a whole other subject). But you still have a schema! It's just that now you don't have a dedicated tool to help you with it, and as your needs and data change, you're the one responsible for keeping it up to date. It seems very easy to get mismatched or out of date JSON objects in there and very hard to clean it up (although I'm no expert on JSON databases). Whereas SQL Server or PostgreSQL will support your changing schema very well throughout the whole project lifecycle. If you took over a 15-year-old project, would you rather it had been using Postgres or MongoDB that whole time? I know I'd prefer Postgres.

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