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[flagged] Request: Extension to hide Apple news from HN
10 points by cwillu on June 6, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments
Forget job ads, I want an extension that automatically hides apple marketing posts on hn.

HN should have tags (not subreddits) like some other sites. The tags can be added on the create post form and also auto-added / modified by moderators.

Then you can view the full HN feed, or filter to specific tags, or filter to exclude specific tags.

You can ignore the tags and the site still works as it always did. Or you can filter e.g. to exclude Apple, or politics, or crypto, or anything else you don’t want for whatever reason. Or you can filter to your niche (e.g. compilers or operating systems) at the cost of a lot less posts because HN isn’t that large.

This just in: major tech company makes a series of product announcements, which then appear on a major tech news site. Shocking!

We need to ban all tech news from Hacker News, it distracts from the tech news!

It's getting ridiculous. Most of my front page is links to Apple stuff.

Can we get a single "Apple" thread to dump all announcements, etc.?

It would be cool to have collapsible tags or folders.

Why does HN still post this?

After any big tech event by a major tech company there are a lot of discussions about it.

Just use the "hide" link, it's right there!

I'm complaining about all the fliers littering a street, and you're replying “Just put them in the trash bin, it's _right_ there!”

You're not wrong (although my primary response was instead to upvote a few non-fruit-related posts), I'm just sad that the community feels that the litter was an improvement to the street.

get over it, they are years ahead

Last year's “Apple releases revolutionary processor” was news.

This year's “Apple releases incremental improvement of last year's revolutionary processor” is not.

Tough crowd.

It bothers me no end. Pure fanboism in full display. Anecdotally I use all the OSes and Linux is my fave. You have to know your shit to fully leverage Linux, but that’s the price you pay for not using proprietary software.

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