It may just be a matter of volume. The older people in my life tend to text sparingly. For example, a quick text to see if I’ll be available for a call later or to know what time I’ll be showing up at their house. The younger ones text constantly with a lot of trivial items (news articles, memes, etc).
Personally, I like email for non-time-sensitive communication. If someone sends me a text with a news article or long video, I don’t want to drop everything to read/watch and respond. So there are times I actively ignore it as a way to try and change that expectation.
My personal thoughts on communication are:
- Phone Call == Extreme emergency or something extremely personal. Or preceded by a text to talk out something too complex or confusing to do via text.
- Text == Something quick and straight forward and needs a fairly quick response.
- Email == More complex information or non-time-sensitive. May take a day or two to respond.