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Looks like a solid app, and fast as well. It's clear that the developers care about quality. But I'm sticking with GitX because GitBox is still missing a few key features:

- It doesn't have a good representation of the branch tree (like GitX). It's a must for anyone who deals with multiple branches.

- I can't stage parts of a file. GitX makes that really easy.

- I can't see the contents of a stash (again, easy in GitX). But GitBox makes it easy to see my list of stashes, which GitX doesn't.

- GitX also wins in that I can see the changes made in a commit by simply clicking the file name. GitX opens a third party app.

- It's not clear to me why there is a big vertical space on the left dedicated to listing my repositories, while my branches are hidden behind a small drop-down box. I'm more likely to deal with multiple branches than multiple repositories at any one time so it makes more sense to keep my branches visible and hide my other repositories behind a drop-down menu.

On the other hand, I really like that GitBox refreshes it's state automatically. This is one of the issues with GitX that I need to hit Cmd-R every time I switch to it. Overall, great start.

Visualizing diffs inside the app is also a must-have for me. Fewer clicks = simpler = easier to use = better.

I also note that the apparent keyboard shortcut for "Show Difference" is just "D". Not command-D. Just "D". Not only is this highly unusual (no keyboard modifier like Cmd/Ctrl/Shift/etc.) but it also doesn't work.

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