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The precedent was already set before. S&L others, it's a regular, periodic occurrence.

The bailouts have indeed occurred on a regular basis since at least, say, the mid 80's (the Continental Illinois Bailout). The rather clear problem is they have been increasing in size at an alarming rate.

This is exactly what one would expect. Each bailout increases the moral hazard involved in the banking system.


Heaven help us with the next bailout.

that gets bigger each time after a major financial deregulation law package passes..its an uncanny correlation..uncanny as most congress people and senators seem to be okay with overlooking it as long as their political war chests are filled with lobbyists dollars..

I'm curious - what are the major financial deregulation laws you are speaking of?

The Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act preceded the S&L crisis and both the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act preceded the subprime mortgage crisis.




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