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Very cool, and interesting.

I thought it might be cool to try it out myself, perhaps make a cool toy for the kids, but a quick search on ebay for 'plasma display panel' shows it's not for the casual hacker. One item is listed at $2400+, sold "as is"!.

When a video like this goes up, prices probably spike. Tiny inventory, and suddenly a ton of interest. I've seen this effect with other obscure nerd toys (e.g., Xeon Phi hits the reddit frontpage).

Maybe set a reminder to check again in 6 or 12 months after people have time to discover some more dusty crap in their garages or wherever this stuff comes from.

And I believe a ton of the shops on eBay use bots to automatically adjust prices.

I wonder how open to manipulation this is...

Sounds pretty easy, just buy up some of the inventory and then publish some advanced physical research on it...

Maybe search for some old luggables and laptops that used gas plasma displays. Like a Toshiba T3100, IBM PS/2 P70, Compaq 2670, etc. Still not cheap, but there should be some for $200-$300 or so.

This seems to be a used part of a discarded medical monitor. I’d look for similar panels in scrap sellers.

so this is something different from the screen in a "plasma" TV?

Apart from being monochrome, I don’t think so. Lower resolution, perhaps.

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