To quote "Stephen Colbert" (in character): "Reality has a well-known liberal bias." If you discuss racism as existing, it's liberal. If you discuss homophobia as existing, it's progressive. If you discuss the income gap, it's socialist. If you discuss gun fatalities, it's communist (somehow). It's literally impossible to discuss any social issue in the news in the context of non-white or non-male perspective without being called any sort of those phrases.
Are you saying that CNN's only problem is they've been reporting the truth too much?
Because that's not what CNN was doing. They're a mouthpiece for the neoliberal wing of the Democratic Party. Maybe that's changing now but it's certainly not an accidental bias.
That's not the case at all though. Conservatives don't deny racism exists, they call out things that leading progressives say such as:
“The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” ~Ibram X. Kendi
So a conservative reads that and thinks it's not only crazy, but literally racist in the context of how Kendi proposes it should drive current policy. Whereas a progressive reads that and says yes, we need to discriminate against "privileged groups" to solve past discrimination. Those are two very different worldviews, and has nothing to do with believing whether or not racism exists. In fact, it requires progressives to use a completely different definition of the word racist to not eat their own tail.
>If you discuss homophobia as existing, it's progressive.
Again, nobody denies homophobia exists. But progressives are known to paint with a very broad brush (ie. "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi"). Similar with trans issues, where many people who say maybe biological males shouldn't compete against biological females, will have progressives brand you transphobic (and probably a Nazi).
You see this same overshooting across the board on many issues that would actually have wider support, but they go off the deep end with their craziness.
Yes, and this division makes it difficult for those of us who are economically left-wing, but feel that the modern incarnation of progressivism has lost the plot somewhat.
Especially because there is barely any representation anyway for the economic left. Instead, we have two right-wing to centre-right parties fighting over a socially conservative / socially progressive battlefield they've constructed instead. It's very frustrating.
Yes, they almost unanimously do, at least as regards anti-black racism; as of 2021, “A 53% majority of Democrats say White people benefit from advantages in society that Black people do not have. [...] Just 6% of Republicans now say White people benefit from advantages that Black people do not have.”
That's weird, because 69% of republicans said they believe more needs to be done to ensure equal rights regardless of ethnic background in the same poll.
Pew was being disingenuous, that's why. From their own data, it's actually 45% that now saw White people benefit from advantages that Black people do not have. Only 34% of republicans don't think white people benefit from advantages Black people do not have at all. (That's still a ridiculous number to me, by the way)
6% say "White people benefit a great deal from advantages Black people lack"
If you were applying for a job at a Fortune 500 company or to get into a top tier university (with equal skills and qualifications), would you rather be a black candidate or a white candidate?
Saying advantages don’t exist and saying racism doesn’t exist are two different things. I don’t believe I have an advantage as a white person with no degree. Even if I had a degree I don’t see the disadvantages PoC supposedly have (I’m told this is because I’m white). I grew up poor just like these disadvantaged people. Yet I still believe there’s racist people. And believe it or not, I know a democrat who is very racist. Literally moved states to be around more white people. Also confirming that racism still exists.
This is where you get conservatives who will point to every single Fortune 500 company putting out job searches with a preference on minority candidates, affirmative action policies that disadvantage white and asian people etc. And speaking of asian people, they make more money than white people and get arrested at lower rates, so then conservatives will say maybe those sorts of "systemic differences" are not so much based on race, but rather on culture.