Congrats on the release! 6 years is a lot of time, but such is life for bootstrappers. I'm working on a desktop app, it may take some 4 - 5 years total to launch it, 4 - 5 years to get some 5,000h put into it - (I could probably do better but my self funding strategy was inefficient - part-time freelancing, now working to change it to get a full-time job and similarly live off savings for 1 year before the launch).
I never did game development but kinda wish that I started my career with that rather than apps. It must be really exciting to build words and implement all that complex algorithmic stuff, but I got too much momentum with apps, maybe in another life :)
Did you track your time? Can you share how much hours more or less you put into it, or at least how it changed when you went full time? Did you do more than 50% of the work in the last year of going full time?
I never did game development but kinda wish that I started my career with that rather than apps. It must be really exciting to build words and implement all that complex algorithmic stuff, but I got too much momentum with apps, maybe in another life :)
Did you track your time? Can you share how much hours more or less you put into it, or at least how it changed when you went full time? Did you do more than 50% of the work in the last year of going full time?