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PragProWriMo - Write a Technical Book this November (pragprog.com)
51 points by gmcerveny on Oct 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Hmm. I just started playing with a comic about "Miss Fussyspider", who likes to organize and sort things; a friend suggested that it could be a tutorial on different sort algos... and then I see this. HMMM.

Wonder if they'd want a comic-book introduction to sorts. I always see the PragProg line as being a bit more hardcore than that but you NEVER KNOW.

I did it two years ago. When I was done, I shopped it around. No one was interested.

Even still, it was totally worth it.

You should self-publish it and see what happens.

If you already have a PDF that looks good, Lulu is a good choice (http://lulu.com). If not, check out my startup, Leanpub: http://leanpub.com.

What was it about?

Interesting. I'm tempted to take a stab at turning my Integrating Grails With The Real World talk into a book for PragProWriMo. Not sure if I can justify taking time away from working on my startup project though. sigh Too much to do, never enough time...

Contemplating an iOS / sound book for this. Anyone else participating this year?

I'm not participating, but I've been working on some how to's for some minor linuxes.

I need a good style guide, and recommendations for technical writing books.

I hadn't heard of this until now, but the last chunk of work I have left for http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/ seems like it will just happen to fall in November, so I guess I will be!

I'll be participating in the forums, encouraging folks, and giving writing tips throughout the month. Would love to see some of you awesome HN folks join in the fun.

Think I'll give this a go. Already had some stuff in mind about basic PHP security for beginners, so I may as well see how it goes on paper.

Someone forgot to set up their twitter account. @pragprowrimo doesn't exist yet.

Huh? https://twitter.com/#!/pragprowrimo exists, and has tweets over a year old.

You're right! That is bizarre. I copied and pasted from the article and checked twice before commenting. It 404'd. I did the same thing just now and it worked fine, as you say.

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