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Show HN: Think Like (a) Git, a quasi-tutorial (think-like-a-git.net)
54 points by geeksam on Oct 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Site author here. I welcome all feedback on the site!

[There's more I'd love to write, but I found I was losing motivation to work on it in my Copious Spare Time(tm), so I thought I'd try promoting it -- knowing that others are paying attention to it will help me keep mine focused on it too.]

I tried to learn git a few times and could never quite grok it. I think I just suck at learning by reading. I mean, I was able to do basic (non-branching) source control by just following simple tutorials, but I never understood what was going on. Then I ran across "A Visual Git Reference". Changed my life.


Sweet! I'll add that to the resources page.

Thanks, taking an Epic walk through it now. Nice of you to have done this.

rebase explanation is fantastic! very cool to see how you can break down the steps performed by rebase with cherry-pick. thanks

REally cool site! Thanks!

Great job!

great site!

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