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Google | Software Engineer | Mountain View / Sunnyvale | Full time

We're looking for a software engineer to help work on the XLA Compiler for TPUs.

Things we do:

- Take machine learning models and make them run really fast, in really large systems.

- Participate in hardware co-design for future versions of the TPU. Members of our team frequently write proposals for new instructions and chip components.

- Assist internal and external customers on how to make their workloads run as fast as possible. When Deepmind built AlphaGo members from our team helped them get their models up and running on TPUs.

There is room on our team for anyone with an interest in traditional compilers, machine learning, high performance computing or hardware co-design. I joined in late 2020 and have found the work deeply interesting and deeply impactful.

Unfortunately I don't have any way around the traditional Google hiring processes. You'll have to go through: https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/93645599942812358-so...

> Unfortunately I don't have any way around the traditional Google hiring processes.

I wonder if celebs (e.g. Gosling, Rossum, Thompson, Pike) had to go through this leetcode bs as well :)

So be a celeb.

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