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WorkOS raises $80m in Series B financing, acquires Modulz (workos.com)
6 points by grinich on June 1, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Hi HN - I’m the founder of WorkOS.

I just wanted to quickly say how grateful we are to the whole HN community for your support. We launched here[0] a bit over 2 years ago and the feedback you all provided has been incredibly valuable.

Today WorkOS is over 40 people and fully remote across 5 continents. (And we are still hiring! :))

A few of us from the team are in this thread and happy to answer any questions. My email is also in my profile if anyone would like to connect directly. Thanks!

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22607402

Congrats on the raise! I've been watching WorkOS for a while and it's really inspiring to see you guys take off like this. Having Vercel, Stripe, Scale and Airtable[0] as customers is such a massive vote of confidence and speaks to the high competency of the WorkOS team to be able serve the traffic and security needs of those companies!

It'd be really cool to read an architecture blog from the team :)

[0] https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/01/workos-raises-80m-to-add-e...

Great idea on the architecture blog post!

Unfortunately there was a confusion on that TechCrunch piece. Stripe, Scale and Airtable are not WorkOS customers yet. However, there are some big names like Vercel, Webflow, Loom, and many others. [0]

[0] https://workos.com/customers

Haha, I guess crossing the enterprise chasm is a challenge for enterprise chasm crossing enabling companies as well.

Is DDoS and replay protection built into the SSO product? Or does that need to be handled by customers?

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