Here's my best idea: phone cameras should all have square sensors and record the entire sensor, but display just landscape or portrait. That way you can choose the aspect ratio after shooting.
Kind of blows me away how much people complain about portrait videos but nobody has implemented this obvious solution.
There have been cameras that take square photos - e.g. the Snapchat glasses, but they restrict you to square aspect ratios and I'm pretty sure they actually use a cropped rectangular image.
When it comes to photos it's so difficult to find photos. When I witness someone trying to find a photo on their phone they scroll down the list of photos for what seems forever. I am sure there's a way of searching photos and indexing them so they're easier to find.
Here's my best idea: phone cameras should all have square sensors and record the entire sensor, but display just landscape or portrait. That way you can choose the aspect ratio after shooting.
Kind of blows me away how much people complain about portrait videos but nobody has implemented this obvious solution.
There have been cameras that take square photos - e.g. the Snapchat glasses, but they restrict you to square aspect ratios and I'm pretty sure they actually use a cropped rectangular image.