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Hi colleague, I'm teaching the course, so the students are asking the questions.

Happy to hear that you've found a new use, journaling, for calendar.txt. I'm using it similarly myself, even though it's not mentioned on the page. For some projects, I collect billable hours from old calendar.txt entries ('grep +theproject calendar.txt'). I also use it to record some results, e.g. Cooper x meters on this date.

Do you use calendar.txt for journaling and another program for calendar planning? If so, what are you using for a calendar?

Well now I wonder why I assumed that you were a participant? I've got some thinking to do about that one!

I plan to rename my copy of calendar.txt to yesterday.txt. Each morning my plan is to write something about what I did yesterday with a view to extracting themes - perhaps like not making assumptions about the roles people on forums might have. I'm thinking some code words might emerge like '$ScreenTime 3'. But I'll see.

Planning: I am actually a teacher in adult education so we operate on pre-determined timetables for each class. I have a document called a 'scheme of work' which I use to plan what happens each week in a given class with space for a bit of a note after each session about what actually happened. Schemes of work are 'working documents' - they change as the year unfolds. My life in general just lives on a (paper) calendar on the notice board in the kitchen.

Thanks for your work.

> Well now I wonder why I assumed that you were a participant?

There are many more students than teachers, so even if hn crowd has x5 number of teachers than students, you're still statistically correct

And I am writing my dissertation, so technically, those stats & the guess are also correct.

2b3a51, interesting planning process. My system with calendar.txt and planning courses: I use week headings for marking the periods and period weeks (4p1). When reserving course days, I just put the tags there (+pw). Later, when I decide the main theme, I add it ("+pw deploy"). If there is a special channel, guests and other info, I add it as it arrives.

For past events, calendar forms a nice basis. At least for me, most of the stuff I plan, happens. I understand you add some insight there, maybe I should try that, too.

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