The Supreme Court is only political when its decisions favor the left. When their decisions favor the right, they're obviously just interpreting the constitution as the founding fathers intended.
You saying that hurts Clarence Thomas feelings, in fact the majority of sexual-harassing court justices agree that everyone should STFU and let the court plot on how to undermine our republic and install a theocracy in peace, dagnabbit!
The second amendment is fundamental for menu reasons. Eventually the do-dooders will erode it, then destroy it, like they do with "everything" they touch.
For human rights all simple - all people must have possibility to protect their rights to life, liberty and property, and in real life, mister Colt is best friend of adequate citizen.
So limitations on civil guns are limitations of people rights.
It is adequate to limit rights on guns for felons and for incapable persons, these are only exceptions.