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It's not about capitalism - it's about trust. If you're meeting up with strangers how exactly can you do so safely?

Through a credit system that is centralized, just like China's credit system. Except it's not even run by elected officials so there's no representation.

it's a terrible idea and Boiled Cabbage makes a very good point

The issue is that, while there's certainly reason to be worried about something like China's system, there's always going to some amount of ad-hoc or official systems of trust. Criminal background checks, sex offender registries, credit reports, professional licensing, your eBay buyer/seller rating, your religion, and whether or not someone looking at you just thinks you look creepy.

It's certainly reasonable to think a system as massive and in-depth as what China is working on is too far, but the alternative in the far extreme is just looking at someone and going "do I trust this person", which isn't a great solution either, and is prone to the "you don't look like you're from around here" sorts of defaults.

As with most things, the question isn't "should this exist at all". There will always be some sort of explicit or implicit system of trust. The question is where do you draw the lines between something like China's system and randomly picking someone and hoping they don't have a history of serious crimes/don't even know how to do whatever you need them to do. There's plenty of existing systems I think go too far, but I also would want to know that the person picking me up for a car trip had a driver's license.

So you're against the idea of Uber, eBay, Care, Lyft, etc? Since what I'm describing already exists. Not to mention the credit bureaus. You'd prefer arbitrariness? If anything a single place for the trust would be better as it would be more thoroughly examined.

How dating apps are solving it?

They don't. If you are willing to take risk to have sex with a stranger, why wouldn't you take a risk to share a ride with a stranger?

And trust can be easily established if you retain the data from both parties implied and if you make a rating system.

Dating apps retain liability and ban people. Not to mention using a dating app does not inherently imply a physical meetup like using an Uber. Not to mention with dating apps you can get them yourself.

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