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At the end of the day all we want is reliability and convenience. Sometimes one-to-one business gives you that.

I guess, but would I rather just click on an app when I need a ride or call some guy (who may or may not pick up) to see if he's available (may or may not be) at a given time (I guess I call a few hours ahead).

And if he's not available, I guess I just open the app and request a ride? Easier to just do that from the start?

> reliability

> Sometimes

I garuntee you the reliability of the Uber network of drivers is higher than a single person who may be asleep when you need them.

I've lived in NYC and I've lived in < 2k person remote towns where business card drivers are more common than a Lyft. Trying to deal with the individuals in the small towns is always a nightmare

Sure, but they solve different needs. If I'm in a random location and need a car now? Easier to use Uber/Lyft. If I know I'm going to need to be picked up after a concert when surge pricing is going to be brutal? Much easier to call a driver friend ahead of time and offer them cash to be ready to pick me up at a set location.

I've had enough bad Uber drivers to know that reliability isn't guaranteed.

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