"must be a genius"? Did people ever think this? While I went to university many decades ago, the whole "he went to Harvard, he must be a genius" would have seemed like a bad TV sitcom trope, when I was young. And still today.
Are students at top tier schools like that smarter than the average bear? Sure. Geniuses? I guess a few are, but most of them are just pretty smart + hard working + reasonably disciplined. Which is a pretty good combination that will help most people in their life.
Sometimes I get the feeling that some people expect that if they meet someone who went to an ivy/stanford/mit/chicago and that someone doesn't blow them away with their uber-genius greatness, that those schools' reputations must be total BS. IMO, that's unreasonable.
Are students at top tier schools like that smarter than the average bear? Sure. Geniuses? I guess a few are, but most of them are just pretty smart + hard working + reasonably disciplined. Which is a pretty good combination that will help most people in their life.
Sometimes I get the feeling that some people expect that if they meet someone who went to an ivy/stanford/mit/chicago and that someone doesn't blow them away with their uber-genius greatness, that those schools' reputations must be total BS. IMO, that's unreasonable.