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> Yes. Because we have no idea how to define 'fair'.

Well, we do. I mean, we have a pretty solid idea of what represents the absolute bare minimum. For starters, minimum wage should be a living wage. It should be enough all on its own to meet living expenses, including paying for a modest apartment, without breaking any effort rate limit.

Is this too hard?

Are we supposed to pretend that some people simply do not have a right to have a decent life?

> . I hear 'fair wage' over and over but no one can ever explain to me what makes the wage 'fair' other than, "I have a job and I should be able to live on that single job!"

Why exactly do you have a hard time understanding this?

Look at yourself. Look at the living expenses you have, specially the basic necessities. You pay for the roof over your head, for the food on your plate, for the clothes on your back. Do you have a hard time quantifying that?

This is even simpler than that. Landlords and banks already use the concept of effort rate. They already know that if someone's effort rate goes beyond 40% then they are at a significant risk of financial distress. Is it too hard to start from there and determine what's a living wage in any region?

Or is there zero lack of interest, and a desire to pull the ladder out of your own feet to screw everyone less fortunate than you?

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