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Of course I did.

I'm Bill Gates.

Did you?

I worked for small and huge companies though and I could see that it requires far less work to manage a huge one than to manage a small one. I wouldn't even call it "work" if managing the small one is work. It's more like pointing your finger.

I’ve also stood next to the brain surgeon once and I could see that his work was easy.

Oh so we're comparing paper pushers to brain surgeons now? Guess I've found one eh?

You legitimately think you don’t need comparable level of education, work and skill between brain surgeon and leader of big, successful organization?

I assume you never actually lead anyy bigger team for significant amount of time. I’m not a manager, but I’ve lead teams of around 50 people as an IC. It’s tough job that requires very specific skill set to be successful.

Yes I legitimately think that you don't need that at the top of a huge company and I talk from my first hand experience I got from an international F500 company with hundreds of thousand paper pushers and now working in the health sector. The CEO of the former company was a senile wreck. He "managed" the company for quite a few years when I was there. His replacement does almost no work at all. Still on it. I would love to get into detail there but I might doxx myself.

As I wrote above: some mid-management person would probably be much better suited for the position. They are theoretically still in the pool but not realistically so the "scarcity" theory is faked since it's a fake group of people who are being considered. They're most of the times not even considered for their skill set. They've been just sucking up to their predecessor while stabbing everybody else in their way in the back. How this is considered a valuable skill for managing any company (besides in the mafia probably) is beyond me. Maybe you could explain it to me.

On the other hand, you can't replace a brain surgeon with a night nurse. You can't even take a random doctor to do the job and the brain surgeons reputation is directly connected to the actual work he/she does with their own hands. When he gets older, his eyes weaker, his hands shaky, he won't be able to do the job anymore.

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