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Just like the folks here who cheer this madness, those folks who pay them believe in the hype for the same stupid reasons OP outlined above and to justify their own wages.

Those folks are elected by the shareholders though.

So the people who are paying, are (indirectly) paying out of their own pockets.

If someone can't pay out of their own pockets the amount they think someone is worth for them to work for them (or appoint someone to do it for them), then... what's the alternative?

By the biggest shareholders which are in turn the same kind of people.

And they surely not pay it out of THEIR OWN pockets...they pay it out of pockets of their customers and so on goes the responsibility train...

Also what's the "choice" there? Seriously, even calling that "choice" is ridiculous.

The alternative is to force those bloodsuckers to pay wages people can life from. They can keep the rest. Nobody would give a damn because at some point they'd have to rise prices to reflect even in the slightest ways the actual worth of the work of their weakest slaves which carry the whole construct. Maybe and only maybe then they'd cut the wages higher above where all those useless paper pushers sit with their fancy names or they'd lose money because people would stop buying their shit.

Quite easy eh? And everybody knows about that solution. It's just not happening because everybody who could enforce it, is just as greedy as the assholes on top and their "shareholders".

It sounds like you're really angry. Does this directly impact you?

They can pay those wages because workers who can do the work to a level they consider acceptable will accept them.

One way to solve this problem is to convince those workers to work together as a bloc, not accept those wages, and demand higher ones.

Some folks won't like that of course, but the willingness to tell them to fuck off is important. If someone can't say no to a bad deal, after all, they can't actually negotiate.

I don't have a horse in that race however, and have more than enough of my own stuff I need to focus on.

> It sounds like you're really angry. Does this directly impact you?

Sure it does. I'm a human being with a healthy moral compass. Why doesn't it impact you?

> They can pay those wages because workers who can do the work to a level they consider acceptable will accept them.

Wow...do you think people would do it if they had a choice or a saying in this matter? Seriously?

> One way to solve this problem is to convince those workers to work together as a bloc, not accept those wages, and demand higher ones.

But they are not a bloc and the rest of society has done a great job to divide them along artificial lines (race, politics, gender, religion, etc.) and the same basic construct the ones above adhere to: selfishness as the winning factor within the system. The system does also everything it can to hinder unions of any kind. You could see how much of a WONDER it was when some people managed to form one at Amazon. It's been on the news worldwide!

So you making it something they could "just do" is kinda disgusting.

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