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Amazon has 950,000 of those warehouse workers. If you completely zeroed out Jassey’s stock $212 million stock award and instead distributed it among those workers, their hourly rate would change from $15 / hour to $15.01 per hour.

You're off by an order of magnitude, but the point still stands. Assuming 2k hours a year, the pay would raise by about $0.11/hr per warehouse employee or about $223 per year per employee.

The $212 million is over 10 years, so there is your order of magnitude.

Ah, good point. Thanks for correcting

$223 is significant for a minimum wage worker. Whereas these millions are a bucket in the ocean for the CEO. I see it as nothing less than narcissistic supply for the CEO.

My calculation was wrong because it's spread out over 10 years. So it's really only about $0.50 extra per week. Plus, they are making 2x minimum wage. I'm not claiming that is either adequate or not, but they shouldn't be characterized as all "minimum wage workers." (locality dependent, for sure).

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