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Tried it out on my phone, app crashes every time I press "go to room". I'm using iPhone SE from 2016 so maybe my phone is too old for the GPU features? Alas! Was looking forward to trying it.

As a side note the UI looks like a toy or joke app. I'm not sure what market you're going for (it seems like a general purpose video chat app?) but you might want to reconsider the aesthetic.

Could you post the exact specs? I've tested on iPhone 6s until recently and it used to work, but it could be I am doing something silly.

I believe the 6s and (original) SE had the exact same internals. Here is a comparison: https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=7969&idPhone2...

I haven't upgraded to iOS 15 though, I'm on 14.4, maybe that's the issue?

I've gotten a repro of that issue on an A9 IPad (happened to be on IOS 14.x too, but deemed not relevant), something silly to do with Metal Language versions that was easily fixed. A new build that also fixes the UI issues others have reported is on its way out, please email me at jacob@vertigo.ai if you want beta access via Testflight. Should be GA within 1-2 days.

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