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> When I read the title I was hoping for something else though, what I would love is a tool that logs and potentially blocks unexpected IO operations on a library basis. With the increasing common supply chain attacks we are seeing (there was a PyPI one just the other day), having a way to at least report on unexpected activity if not help prevent would be brilliant. Has anyone ever found a tool like. that?

You could do something close to that with Python's audit hooks, which were introduced with 3.8[1]. One massive caveat: audit hooks can be disabled by an attacker with the ability to control the interpreter, and are not perfect (there's plenty of things they don't cover.)

(More generally: this kind of auditing/restriction falls under the umbrella of "capability management." OpenBSD's pledge[2] is another example.)

[1]: https://peps.python.org/pep-0578/

[2]: https://man.openbsd.org/pledge.2

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